An unintended pregnancy may be continuously prevented by only €22 per month, which is also enough for offsetting the carbon footprint of your lifestyle!
The work of the BOCS Foundation is aimed at preventing unintended pregnancies, which is the most effective climate protection strategy. Support our work by €22 per month, and you will get a certificate about your climate protection efforts through buying carbon credits, and by supporting the basic human right of contraception! (UN, 1968)
Account Number: OTP 11736116-20130037
OTP bank NyRt. (8000 Székesfehérvár, Ősz str. 13, SWIFT code: OTPVHUHB):
11736116-20130037 BOCS Alapítvány
IBAN: HU14 1173 6116 2013 0037 0000 0000
Providing the basic human right of contraception is by far the most efficient form of charity. It is of key importance in reversing the population explosion, in solving and preventing poverty, climate change, ecological crisis, species extinction, violent conflicts, the oppression of women, tragic child fates, migration, and food price explosion.
The BOCS Foundation is struggling for decades to help Europe realize its own basic interest, which is the same as that of the poor world.
Gyula I. Simonyi
Member of global network of researchers of sustainability since 1998.
BOCS Global Think Tank Foundation
Please, support our work to save human civilization!
Global education since 1975 (Encyclopaedia of Environment, 1993, 2002)
Hungarian member of and, awarded by the Scientific Association of Hungarian Ecologists.