Maybe one wouldn’t intuitively know, but according to the scientific results, reproductive health, that is, securing the human right of contraception (UN, 1968) is the most effective climate protection strategy.
As we know, the cause of climate change is non other than humanity itself, but the occurrence of unintended pregnancies is still very high in the world (including developed countries). For this reason, global population – that is, the number of consumers, who are ultimately responsible for climate change – grows even though the couples don’t want that. So securing family planning opportunities is not only a priority from a humanitarian standpoint, but from the aspect of climate protection as well.
Episode 31 | “Scientists: Reducing Population is Part of Climate Solution” | |
Becoming a Parent | How Climate Anxiety Is Shaping Family Planning | |
Population and climate change | Smaller family sizes is the most effective way to combat climate change | |
Family planning and SDGs | Investing in family planning is the key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals | |
Family planning and climate adaptation | Why family planning is key to climate adaptation | |
Increasing Population, Increasing Carbon Footprint | Population Connection launches project highlighting the effects of population growth on climate change | |
Ecological Overshoot Day is not “Overconsumption Day” | Ecological Overshoot Day is “Earth-Overshrinking Day”, not “Overconsumption Day” | |
Population Dynamics and Climate Change | EDITED BY: José Miguel Guzmán; George Martine; Gordon McGranahan; Daniel Schensul; Cecilia Tacoli | UNFPA | iied | pop31-44_ok.pdf |