BOCS Foundation - bocs.cfYou can find our collection of articles in connection to the human right of family planning, including its climate protection potential. Although one may not relay all related articles, but who wants to be informed may choose from these:


Russia is perhaps the life on earth – and thus the last refuge of humanity: is the only large area that is not yet overloaded and has a dwindling human population. Russia is perhaps the life on earth – and thus the last refuge of humanity
Carbon quotas should not be confused with carbon credits. A quota is a free political atmospheric pollution (emissions) permit, of which there are fewer and fewer every year. Should we get a heat stroke or starve instead?
Statement on cuts in UK contribution to UNFPA Family planning aid cut betrays women and undermines Prime Minister’s climate change claims
Saving Us From Ourselves
An open access, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal exploring all aspects of the relationship between human numbers and environmental issues.
Having Kids is an international human rights organization dedicated to improving family planning systems worldwide with a simple idea: Open Letter to Joe Biden’s Administration: The Most Effective 3 Changes for 2021
A new study highlights the importance of ensuring universal access to modern reproductive healthcare to achieving the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Reproductive Healthcare: The Missing Link
Hats off to Paul Hawken, the environmentalist behind Project Drawdown. Three years ago, he published a best-selling book, ‘Drawdown: the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming’. Drawdown: a review of the Review
Carbon offsetting is a widespread tool in efforts to achieve net zero emissions. Oxford launches new principles for credible carbon offsetting
Among women wanting to avoid a pregnancy in LMICs, unmet need is much higher for adolescents than for all women aged 15–49 (43% vs. 24%). Investing in Adolescents’ Sexual and Reproductive Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Where has the highest rate of male sterilisation? How many people in sub-Saharan Africa are on the pill? Explore a world of contraception data. Contraception and family planning around the world – interactive
Short birth intervals are associated with chronic malnutrition, which contributes to about 50% of all child deaths. Additionally, one woman a minute dies from pregnancy, childbirth or unsafe abortion. Return of the Population Growth Factor
YaleGlobal Online Addressing Population Challenge Is Not Impossible
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment Discussing why population growth is still ignored or denied
State avoided spending nearly $70 million to care for babies of low-income teens, study says. Taboo breaking makes health system better and cheaper
(Ecological Overshoot Day: live as you wish to, just help those who lack contraceptives!) July 29 is Earth-Overshrinking Day, not „Overconsumption Day”
Towards Prosperity Why voluntary Family Planning programs are the investment?
Sustainability What is sustainability, actually?
Family Planning for Climate Protection
Investing in Family Planning is the most efficient and most potent Climate Protection Strategy
Scientists warn about Climate Emergency and the swelling population
More than 11.000 scientists issue a warning about Climate Emergency, and address six key areas for critical changes, including addressing the planet’s swelling human population
The issue of Population in the Environmental Movement How the issue of (over)population first galvanized the environmental movement into a global political force, then slowly became a taboo, rendering all other environmental efforts futile 
The 2019 Nairobi Statement
The 2019 Nairobi Statement – The road to Zero unmet need for family planning information and services and Zero preventable maternal deaths
Global Population Control It is a tragic measure of how far the world has changed – and the infinite capacity of modern man for taking offence – that there are no two subjects that can get you more swiftly into political trouble than motherhood and apple pie.
Boris Johnson: Global overpopulation is the real issue The last time I tentatively suggested that there was something to be said in favour of apple pie, I caused a frenzy of hatred in the healthy-eating lobby.