Russia is perhaps the life on earth – and thus the last refuge of humanity: is the only large area that is not yet overloaded and has a dwindling human population. |
Russia is perhaps the life on earth – and thus the last refuge of humanity |
Carbon quotas should not be confused with carbon credits. A quota is a free political atmospheric pollution (emissions) permit, of which there are fewer and fewer every year. |
Should we get a heat stroke or starve instead? |
Statement on cuts in UK contribution to UNFPA |
Family planning aid cut betrays women and undermines Prime Minister’s climate change claims |
Saving Us From Ourselves |
An open access, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal exploring all aspects of the relationship between human numbers and environmental issues. |
Having Kids is an international human rights organization dedicated to improving family planning systems worldwide with a simple idea: |
Open Letter to Joe Biden’s Administration: The Most Effective 3 Changes for 2021 |
A new study highlights the importance of ensuring universal access to modern reproductive healthcare to achieving the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. |
Reproductive Healthcare: The Missing Link |
Hats off to Paul Hawken, the environmentalist behind Project Drawdown. Three years ago, he published a best-selling book, ‘Drawdown: the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming’. |
Drawdown: a review of the Review |
Carbon offsetting is a widespread tool in efforts to achieve net zero emissions. |
Oxford launches new principles for credible carbon offsetting |
Among women wanting to avoid a pregnancy in LMICs, unmet need is much higher for adolescents than for all women aged 15–49 (43% vs. 24%). |
Investing in Adolescents’ Sexual and Reproductive Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries |
Where has the highest rate of male sterilisation? How many people in sub-Saharan Africa are on the pill? Explore a world of contraception data. |
Contraception and family planning around the world – interactive |
Short birth intervals are associated with chronic malnutrition, which contributes to about 50% of all child deaths. Additionally, one woman a minute dies from pregnancy, childbirth or unsafe abortion. |
Return of the Population Growth Factor |
YaleGlobal Online |
Addressing Population Challenge Is Not Impossible |
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment |
Discussing why population growth is still ignored or denied |
State avoided spending nearly $70 million to care for babies of low-income teens, study says. |
Taboo breaking makes health system better and cheaper |
(Ecological Overshoot Day: live as you wish to, just help those who lack contraceptives!) |
July 29 is Earth-Overshrinking Day, not „Overconsumption Day” |
Towards Prosperity |
Why voluntary Family Planning programs are the investment? |
Sustainability |
What is sustainability, actually? |
Family Planning for Climate Protection
Investing in Family Planning is the most efficient and most potent Climate Protection Strategy |
Scientists warn about Climate Emergency and the swelling population
More than 11.000 scientists issue a warning about Climate Emergency, and address six key areas for critical changes, including addressing the planet’s swelling human population |
The issue of Population in the Environmental Movement |
How the issue of (over)population first galvanized the environmental movement into a global political force, then slowly became a taboo, rendering all other environmental efforts futile |
The 2019 Nairobi Statement
The 2019 Nairobi Statement – The road to Zero unmet need for family planning information and services and Zero preventable maternal deaths |
Global Population Control |
It is a tragic measure of how far the world has changed – and the infinite capacity of modern man for taking offence – that there are no two subjects that can get you more swiftly into political trouble than motherhood and apple pie. |
Boris Johnson: Global overpopulation is the real issue |
The last time I tentatively suggested that there was something to be said in favour of apple pie, I caused a frenzy of hatred in the healthy-eating lobby. |